The World Cup begins in November, and the Internal Communication area of companies is getting ready to take the field with various activities.

World or regional sporting events usually become an excellent opportunity to implement actions that motivate the team.

Impact and engagement assured

A global event such as the World Cup has a worldwide impact and merges into companies’ internal and external communication.

Companies carry out related actions to the World Cups or similar events such as America’s Cup or the Olympic Games. Organizations sponsor sports events such as soccer tournaments, contests, and other participatory activities that generate a lot of engagement.


Playing with the whole team

Tactics, strategies, planning, and team spirit. All of these come out in each match played in a World Cup. And they also do in a company’s teams.

Plus, major events such as the World Cup capture the interest in such a way that for a month, the informal conversations, the opening of meetings, the hallway chats, and the intervals in long calls revolve around this exciting topic.

Because of that, Oxean encourages organizations to strategically plan actions with game dynamics that can activate and enhance team spirit beyond roles, positions, and responsibilities.

Guaranteed attention

There are still several months to go, but Qatar 2022 is already beginning to arise. From what the ball will look like to the latest definitions of the qualifiers or the fixture, several hours of sports programs and news channels are already flooding the theme.

The World Cup is one event that attracts the most attention globally. This attention is often harsh for organizations to reach, especially in today´s challenging context.

Thus, Oxean proposes riding the World Cup wave, capitalizing on this attention in favor of your employees and the company.

Playing allows us to include dynamics that bring teams closer together, to have moments of relaxation and leisure, promote team spirit, and playfully experience the organizational culture.


PRODE (Pronósticos Deportivos), Quiniela, or Quinigol (as is known in several countries) is a game where people choose who they think will win each match.

PRODE is a fun option for the different company areas. Each team can participate, make decisions together, and agree on actions implemented within the daily activities.

Through a digital PRODE, the people who make up the teams come up with their predictions, and as they go through the game, they receive benefits and prizes!


At Oxean, we designed PRODE QATAR 2022 for organizations to experience the World Cup atmosphere and play while having fun and motivating themselves.
Live the World Cup experience with your entire team!
Prode QATar

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