During our participation in the COMIN FORUM, we analyzed the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internal Communication. We reflected on the journey so far, what might come in the near future, and how to adapt to the new digital transformation.

Artificial Intelligence and Internal Communication

Innovation at the COMIN FORUM

On June 13th, we experienced a great celebration of internal communication and its innovations as Platinum Sponsors at the 16th COMIN Forum, “Best Practices in Internal Communication Presented by Their Protagonists,” with participants from several LATAM countries: Uruguay, Colombia, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Argentina.

Virginia Aguilera, Associate Account Director, and Diego Caggiano, Head of Content & Board Member of Oxean, gave the talk AI & INTERNAL COMMUNICATION: a powerful alliance to enhance IC’s reach and humanize AI.

In this talk, we presented some concepts to reflect on together regarding the real impact of AI on our daily work, demystifying the risks of AI adoption, and the necessity of continuous training in new technologies.

Reflections from IC

Virginia Aguilera highlighted the importance of sharing knowledge during challenging times and how Oxean is leveraging AI both internally and with clients, adapting to new technologies.

At COMIN Forum, we shared our perspective as an Internal Communication Agency regarding artificial intelligence and exchanged ideas with other industry professionals. We had the added benefit of sharing the stage with our client Telecom Argentina, represented by Álvaro Ramos, a Communication reference who is part of the IC & Events team led by Jonathan Ferraro,"

she added,

"it is always very enriching to meet with agencies and companies to share knowledge during such challenging times as these. The congress challenged us to present on this much-hyped topic, and true to our digital mindset, we seized the opportunity to share our experience and discuss the actions we have been taking since the beginning of this boom, both internally with our teams and supporting our clients in adoption."

The “Last Human Mile”

Importance of human intervention

We opened the talk with a funny and revealing anecdote. A few years ago, with the advent of IC platforms, a client called us worried to inform us that they would no longer need our services because they had decided to invest in one of these platforms. Shortly after, they called us back to say the platform was installed and now they needed to rethink the content.

This showed both us (the agency and the client) that implementing new technology requires learning experiences and these innovations do not execute directly like plugging in an appliance.

As a trigger from this experience, we proposed the concept of the “last human mile” in the talk:

the adoption of new technologies can make certain human roles obsolete, but people will always be needed to operate and optimize these technologies. This technological demand creates new jobs that did not exist before, forcing people to reinvent themselves or find new roles.

Are you sure you don't use AI in your daily life?

Another topic we reflected on in our talk was the real adoption of generative AI in companies. We can identify that AI has a visible presence in the media and social networks. However, in our work, we often see it as something distant or difficult to incorporate.

apps inteligencia artificial

Artificial intelligence in internal communication

Nevertheless, AI is fully integrated into many commonly used programs like Photoshop, Canva, Google Search, Adobe, and Microsoft’s Copilot, applications we use daily without realizing we are using AI.


Continuous Learning

Continuous internal training is crucial. At Oxean, we understand that to offer quality service and stay updated on emerging technologies, it is essential for our team to be constantly updated and trained.

Therefore, we implement a continuous training approach within our organization, ensuring that all team members have a deep and practical knowledge of AI tools and other relevant technologies, and encouraging our clients to do the same.

Aprendizaje Continuo

Will AI replace communicators?

Based on a study by Upwork, we observed that the three categories with the highest declines were writing, translation, and customer service.

  • Writing decreased by 33%
  • Translation decreased by 19%
  • Customer service decreased by 16%

On the other hand, since the launch of ChatGPT, increases were reflected in:

  • Video editing/production increased by 39%
  • Graphic design increased by 8%
  • Web design increased by 10%
  • Software development increased by 6% in back-end development
  • Software development increased by 4% in front-end/web development

The quality of the deliverable

As an internal communication agency and content creators, we know that generative AI is key in the initial stages of our projects, generating ideas. However, to ensure the final results meet quality standards and align with our clients’ expectations, our supervision, control, and creativity are crucial.
This review process ensures that deliverables are not only technologically advanced but also relevant and personalized for each client.

Communication in a permanent transformation

Communication is a phenomenon in constant transformation. At Oxean, we are attentive to these changes and how AI integrates into our field. AI is not the exclusive domain of communication, but we must be aware of its evolution and integration into our daily practices.


“When we talk about internal communication and artificial intelligence, we need to think strategically: first, conduct a diagnosis to assess real needs and then survey to choose the applications or programs that best meet the needs of the teams. The sheer number of available AI applications can often be overwhelming. Therefore, evaluation and strategic vision are central challenges for communication professionals.

At this particular moment, we are immersed in a new wave of AI launches with much resonance on social media and in the media, and this sometimes brings more confusion than anything else. As an internal communication agency, we believe that dissemination and education play a central role in this profound transformation we are experiencing,”

Diego Caggiano commented at the end of the talk.

At Oxean, we continue to explore and adapt to these emerging technologies, ensuring that our internal communication strategies remain effective and relevant in a constantly changing world.

If your company has decided to incorporate AI strategically into internal communication, do not hesitate to contact us.