Internal Communication plays a vital role in critical work environments. Activities that generate stress, from loneliness or low interaction among peers, to positions that demand a lot of attention over long periods of time, can promote work discomfort.

The Fundamental Role of IQ in Workplace Unhappiness

There is a saying that goes “do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. However, this is not always true. Work is work, and in a world that increasingly strives for work-life balance, this equation is difficult to sustain.

According to the World Happiness at Work Survey of more than 2,800 people from over 52 countries around the world, conducted by Happy Force, only 38% of respondents feel happy in their workplace.

Activities on the edge

A variety of activities, industries and jobs indicate high levels of unhappiness. Among them, the following stand out:

  • Private security
  • Food delivery
  • Customer service
  • Long-distance truck driving
  • Night shift work
  • Remote jobs, etc.

Each of them has its own reasons why people who perform these activities do not feel pleasure or happiness.

strees atencion al cliente

In some cases, it may be due to the role itself: because the work is heavy, because of the level of stress it generates, because of the lack of socialization among peers, or because it requires a lot of attention for a long period of time.

What can internal communication do in critical work environments?

Undoubtedly, IC is a key area not only to keep critical areas cohesive but also to provide a tool for interaction and expression that helps to know the “pain points” of your employees and, based on them, to implement programs and actions that tend to provide solutions.

La planificacion

In some activities, the pressure and complexity of job roles can reach staggering levels. Here, internal communication stands as the essential pillar for well-being and efficiency in the workplace.


Ideas to implement every day

IC and well-being at work: an indissoluble

In challenging environments, IC not only conveys information, but becomes a strategic tool for cultivating an environment where employees feel valued and understood.

Combating work-related stress with effective IC

EnIn critical work environments, stress can become a persistent shadow. Effective internal communication acts as an antidote to this silent threat, providing open channels for voicing concerns, clarifying expectations and transparently managing challenging situations.
When people feel heard and understood, it fosters a climate where resilience becomes an invaluable asset.

Encouraging peer-to-peer interaction

In areas where peer interaction is limited, internal communication can be the catalyst that promotes cohesion and teamwork. Facilitating connection among team members not only improves the work environment, but also contributes to developing creative and efficient solutions to complex challenges.

Maintaining morale in critical moments

When job dissatisfaction threatens to undermine employee morale, CI plays a crucial role in providing transparency and honesty.
Communicating openly about challenges, changes and achievements helps to maintain positive morale even in the most critical moments.

Transmitting and transforming

It is clear that in critical work environments or in situations where unhappiness at work could appear, internal communication is presented as a transforming element.

Comunicación Interna en entornos laborales críticos

It is not only a tool for transmitting information, but a catalyst that drives cohesion, improves well-being and strengthens the resilience of employees.

If your company has critical work areas, we would be happy to assist you and generate a tailor-made plan.

If your company has critical work areas, we would be happy to assist you and generate a tailor-made plan.

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