Artificial intelligence has transformed how companies communicate with their employees. AI-powered video tools stand out as innovative solutions that not only enhance the production of audiovisual content but also allow for personalized and optimized messages that resonate more with internal audiences.

Explore video tools with artificial intelligence

Several AI-based video tools have emerged in the market, each offering unique features that can transform how organizations produce content for their teams. Below are some of the most innovative ones:

Dream machine: AI-generated realistic videos

Dream Machine is an advanced tool that allows for the rapid and efficient generation of realistic videos from text and images. It’s ideal for companies seeking to connect authentically and effectively with their internal audience.

generar videos realistas de alta calidad a partir de texto e imágenes

Image from the  author’s website

Vidu: automating video production

Vidu excels at simplifying video production through automation. This tool enables the creation of professional content without requiring advanced technical skills, allowing for high-quality video production for internal communication in record time.

Image from the  author’s website 

Image from the  author’s website 

Veed: easier video creation for everyone offers an all-in-one platform for online video editing, equipped with AI features that allow for automatic subtitles, enhanced image and sound quality, and easy application of special effects. It’s ideal for those looking for a comprehensive, user-friendly solution for video production, without prior experience.

producción de videos simples por IA

Fliki: text-to-video editor with AI-generated realistic voiceovers

Fliki: can transform text into video using synthetic, realistic voices and automated visual resources. This tool is particularly useful for creating informative or educational videos that need to be quickly distributed to a large number of employees.

Generador de vídeos de IA

Image from the  author’s website 

Video as a strategic tool in internal communication

In an environment where video remains the preferred communication tool, its adoption is nearly universal.

According to a study by Wyzowl86% of companies use video as a marketing tool, highlighting its effectiveness and relevance in today’s market.

Preference for video in receiving information

When it comes to learning about a product or service, 73% of people prefer to watch a short video, underscoring its effectiveness as an internal communication medium. In comparison, only 11% would choose to read an article, highlighting the importance of using videos for better information retention.

More effective internal communication strategies

This demonstrates that we are more likely to retain information when it is presented in an interactive and engaging way. When adopting strategies to improve internal communication, it’s essential to consider this data to understand the most effective way to connect with employees, fostering a more united and engaged community.

AI-powered videos for internal communication

At Oxean, as a specialized agency, we develop audiovisual strategies that strengthen the bonds within organizations.

Humanizing AI-powered video production

While it may be tempting to rely entirely on new technologies that simplify work and save time, it’s crucial to remember that human intervention is always necessary to deliver value that meets the specific needs of the company.

Using AI in video production should not dehumanize the message; rather, it should enhance the ability to reflect the organizational culture and unique values of each company.

the future of internal communication with AI tools

Many other AI-powered video tools are available in the market, each offering diverse features that can be leveraged to improve internal communication.

AI-powered videos for internal communication

AI-powered videos for internal communication

However, success depends not just on the technology but on how it’s used to convey an authentic message aligned with the organization’s identity.

the power of audiovisual communication

At Oxean, we understand the importance of staying up to date with technological advancements and using them strategically to strengthen internal communication.

We invite you to explore how these tools can enhance your IC videos and discover how we can help you reflect your organization’s culture through high-quality audiovisual productions.

Discover how we can transform internal communication using the best of AI to enhance the value of your people.

Frequently asked questions

  • What is artificial intelligence in video production?
    AI in video production automates processes such as editing, content generation, and personalization, making video creation faster and more efficient.

  • Why is video important in internal communication?
    Video is a highly effective medium for delivering clear, engaging, and memorable messages, improving information retention among employees.

  • What AI tools are recommended for video production?
    Some of the standout tools include Dream Machine, Vidu,, and Fliki, each offering specific features that simplify video production.

  • How can AI improve video personalization?
    AI allows video content to be tailored to user preferences, resulting in more personalized and effective communication.

  • What is the role of human intervention in AI-powered video production?
    While AI facilitates production, human intervention is crucial to ensure the content aligns with the organization’s values and needs.