In this article, we will explore the most prominent technological platforms that promote effective internal communication and how they can benefit your organization. It is a trend that by 2023, people in teams will be talking to each other, exchanging ideas and projects in real time. The advancement of technology plays an essential role in this growing model.

The decline of calls

For some time now, several organizations have been evaluating the efficiency of virtual meetings or calls, even questioning whether they were really necessary in many cases.

For example, Netflix launched an action to improve the efficiency of its meetings, which resulted in a protocol. It includes, among other issues: maximum duration of 30 minutes; in the case of one-way information sharing, meetings should be canceled in favor of other mechanisms such as a memo, an app or social network; for two-way information exchange, attendees should review the materials in advance, to replace presentations with questions and answers.

Early data shows that Netflix managed to reduce the number of meetings by more than 65 percent, and more than 85 percent of employees favor this approach.

The necessary tool for each case

On the other hand, a study by McKinsey, found that 77% of companies with effective internal communication use social digital tools to facilitate collaboration between teams located in different regions.

aprendizaje y comunicación

It also reveals that while social technologies are becoming increasingly common, the results suggest that not all tools are equal. Specifically, those that can enable collaboration between teams are the most valued.

Benefits of internal virtual spaces

Apps continue to advance, as opposed to the first tools that burst onto the scene a few years ago, such as Workplace, Yammer and other internal social networks, which far transcended the functionality of the classic intranet.

Among the benefits of these digital spaces are:

  1. Global connectivity: Beyond geographical and time barriers, they allow employees to communicate in real time. These virtual spaces, such as chat platforms, internal applications, online forums and corporate social networks, create a global environment where employees can share ideas, projects and establish meaningful connections, regardless of their physical location.

  2. Break down hierarchical barriers: they provide an egalitarian environment for internal communication. Teams can interact and share ideas with colleagues at all hierarchical levels without formal restrictions. This encourages active participation by all members, stimulates creativity and promotes diversity of thought. According to a Deloitte report, 89% of companies with a high level of interaction and collaboration use internal communication tools that enable horizontal and vertical communication.

  3. Instant and accessible communication: employees can exchange information, ask questions and receive answers quickly and efficiently. This speeds up decision making, improves productivity and avoids the delay associated with traditional communication, such as e-mail or face-to-face meetings. According to a report by Interact, 75% of employees consider real-time communication essential to their daily work.

  4. Corporate culture and engagement: these tools play a crucial role in building and strengthening corporate culture. They enable the sharing of company news, updates and achievements, which helps keep teams aligned with the organization’s vision and values. In addition, these platforms can foster a sense of community and belonging, allowing employees to share personal interests, recognize the achievements of colleagues and participate in virtual team activities. A Gallup study found that companies with a high level of employee engagement have 21% higher profitability.

  5. Continuous learning and development: You can share educational resources, provide online training opportunities, and facilitate interaction between mentors and trainees. This allows members of your company to acquire new skills, stay current in their field and develop their careers. According to a LinkedIn report, 94% would be willing to stay with a company longer if they invested in their professional development.

Apps gaining ground

Apps are revolutionizing the way companies communicate internally. They facilitate global connectivity, break down hierarchical barriers, provide instant and accessible communication, and promote interaction among employees.

In addition, they enable companies to provide teams with a virtual space accessible on their cell phones. The latest versions even allow the application to be customized with the company’s branding.

Services include the possibility of sharing with teams:

  • Spaces for conversation among collaborators.
  • News and current affairs information.
  • Surveys and work environment analysis
  • Attractive content with images and videos.
  • Digital signature of documents.
  • Knowledge, achievements, ideas and projects shared with the entire organization.
  • Payroll delivery and document management.

These applications are really intuitive and offer a very good user experience. In addition, they analyze in real time the performance of your communication, in order to evaluate your internal communication strategy and make the necessary improvements.

Generating more effective internal communication

In the era of permanent change in which we live, effective internal communication is essential to the success of any company. Large organizations understand the importance of connecting and aligning their teams in an increasingly diverse and geographically dispersed work environment.

At Oxean we are committed to generating a content strategy to enhance virtual spaces, transforming the connections between people and the dynamism of organizations.

Let's schedule a 30-minute call and move forward together!