Post pandemic, new ways of working, and organizations immersed in accelerated transformations: increasingly under attack in today’s organizations, engagement—the connection between employees and the company that employs them—is being resignified around the world. At the same time, as communicators, we’ve been hit by a wave of opportunities to generate engagement.
In light of this new scenario, at Oxean Cross, we teamed up with professionals from peer organizations to determine what our role should be in the future of work so that we can take the next step in creating more engaging workplaces in a post-pandemic scenario.

The rapidly evolving relationship between employees and organizations

In order to identify what is happening and the ways to ensure successful actions that lead to happy employees and powerful organizations, we tapped our Iberoamerican Network of Internal Communication to create Continente CI, our first dialogue summit among leaders for leaders.

In 2021, Oxean Cross teamed up with two other leading communications agenciesInternal Comunicación Interna and Both People & create Continente CI. The goal was to form a communication powerhouse that links international knowledge and experiences that can empower every communication leader, putting the critical aspects of our fields of expertise at the top of the agenda.

We are striving to generate a co-creation space
for communication leaders

Continente CI seeks to generate spaces for reflection and exchange of know-how and skills through the co-creation of new ideas and insights.

As leaders in the field of international internal communication for three decades, at Oxean Cross, we know that innovation and creativity truly flourish when we work together and combine a diversity of perspectives and disciplines. So the dynamics of the dialogue seemed ideal to us.

Our first virtual meeting, which was held in June, was attended by more than 20 leaders of companies throughout the region. There we experienced the magic of thinking together.

Despite the physical distance that separated us, we found common ground in our shared vision for the future as communicators.

Leaders from different countries and cultures heard the results of the 2021 Engagement Survey and exchanged experiences and expectations employing Agile dynamics. The activity was led by our guest Lucas López Dávalos, who in record time managed to coordinate a 1-2-4-ALL activity using the app Mural to record the contributions.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how did this first edition turn out?

After the work session, we collected feedback from participants using the app Mentimeter. We compiled topics of interest for a next meeting and measured the success indicators of the session, with an average score of 9 points for the insights shared, proposed activity, work of the facilitators, and evaluation of the discussion in general.

In addition to the excellent score, we were enriched by the wealth of in-depth concepts discussed in the breakout groups in this first edition of a format that we will soon repeat, bringing us new learning opportunities and more challenges. We were left full of renewed energy: we formed a team that crossed borders with their thoughts during an hour full of passion for communications.

Five core topics for organizational engagement

This is just the beginning

On June 30, we will hold an open dialogue with the internal communications community where we will share more results from the 2021 Engagement Survey and continue exchanging experiences and cases.

We hope you can join us! Te invitamos a seguir nuestras redes y estar atento para anotarte en este evento que organizamos desde Continente CI para seguir escribiendo juntos nuestro mapa de la comunicación.

Still haven’t completed our engagement survey?
Below are a few questions to think about before our next dialogue about engagement in internal communications on June 30:

What are the levers that most affect your organization’s engagement?

How has the pandemic impacted each of these levers?

What kind of actions have you taken to improve engagement?

 We look forward to hearing from you!

(+54 11) 5365-7646