Generation Z is entering the job market and brings with it unique characteristics and preferences. To establish effective and successful communication with this group, it is essential for companies know how to create a satisfying work environment for Generation Z. In this article, we will explore best practices and strategies for engaging Generation Z in the workplace and making the most of their talent and potential.

Getting to know Generation Z

Gen Z will be leading companies in just 10 years. In order to establish people planning that meets their expectations, it is necessary to know what defines them, what their main characteristics are, what motivates them and what they expect from their present and future.

Generation Z, also known as “the centennials”, refers to people born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2010s. They are the first generation that was born with the Internet and grew up with technology.

Key characteristics of Generation Z

  • Native technology
  • Constant digital connectivity
  • Multitasking
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Entrepreneurial spirit
  • Preference for authenticity
    1. Native technology: Generation Z has grown up in a digital environment and is highly familiar with technology. Most individuals in this generation have been exposed to the internet, mobile devices and social networks from an early age, which has influenced the way they communicate, interact and obtain information.

    2. Constant connectivity: they value constant connectivity and expect to be online at all times. Most young people of this generation use mobile devices to stay connected and access information, social networks and instant messaging applications.

    3. Multitasking: due to their early exposure to technology, Generation Z has developed multitasking skills. They can handle several tasks and sources of information simultaneously, such as listening to music, chatting online and working, without causing them major difficulties.

    4. Diversity and inclusion: Among their core values are diversity and inclusion. They have grown up in a time of heightened social awareness and have witnessed significant changes in terms of gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, racial rights and other related issues. Many young people of this generation advocate for social justice and are involved in movements and causes that promote equality and inclusion.

    5. Entrepreneurship: Generation Z has a strong inclination toward entrepreneurship and self-employment. Many young people of this generation show interest in creating their own businesses and becoming entrepreneurs, taking advantage of online opportunities and digital platforms.

    6. Preference for authenticity: they tend to value genuine interactions and communication. They are more skeptical of traditional marketing tactics and value transparency and honesty in the brands and people they interact with.


    How do you adapt your internal communication strategy to Generation Z

    According to a study by Adobe, centennials will represent 27% of the workforce in 2 years.

    One of the top priorities for companies is to attract and retain the best of Generation Z, the youngest and most dynamic workforce. Their creative power coupled with their familiarity with technology puts them in a very good position for companies to seek them out.

    Undoubtedly, with its unique characteristics and constantly evolving expectations, this generation presents challenges and opportunities for companies that want to enhance business in the long term.

    How To Meet Gen Z's Workplace Expectations

    In order to respond to their interests, companies will have to work on certain key points:

    Inclusive corporate culture:

    Generation Z values diversity, inclusion and a sense of purpose in the workplace. According to a Deloitte report, 77% of Gen Z youth consider diversity to be important when choosing an employer. As such, companies should strive to create an inclusive corporate culture, foster equal opportunity and promote collaboration and respect among all employees.

    Work-life balance:

    Centennials are looking for a healthy work-life balance. According to a Gallup study, 58% of Generation Z employees consider the balance between the two to be extremely important.

    According to Randstad’s 
    Workmonitor, 38% of young people claim to have left a job that did not fit with their personal life. Therefore, companies should consider and offer policies and programs that encourage this balance, such as flexible schedules, remote work options and paid time off for personal care.

    Professional development and continuous learning:

    They value professional development and continuous learning on the job. According to a survey by The Workforce Institute, 42% of Generation Z employees consider professional development to be very important when choosing an employer. Here, companies will need to offer advancement and training opportunities, mentoring programs and a focus on individual growth to attract and retain the best people.

    Technology and digitalization:

    They are digital natives and expect technologically advanced work environments. According to a Randstad report, 56% of Generation Z young people consider technology to be key in their work environment. It is necessary to offer them innovative technologies, provide them with digital tools and platforms that facilitate work and foster a culture of digitization and technological adaptability.

    Always, clear and open communication:

    Maintaining permanent and sincere feedback is essential. According to a Forbes study, 75% of Generation Z employees want constant feedback on their performance. Establishing effective communication channels, encouraging regular feedback and providing opportunities for participation and the exchange of ideas are a must-have.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    How to motivate Generation Z at work?

    Generation Z’s motivation is driven by recognition and development opportunities. Providing them with challenges, rewards and training programs helps them stay engaged and motivated at work.

    How much does technology influence the job satisfaction of Generation Z?

    Technology plays an important role in the lives of Generation Z. Providing modern and efficient technology tools and platforms in the work environment allows them to perform their work more effectively and contributes to their job satisfaction.

    What strategies can I implement to retain Generation Z talent in my organization?

    It is essential to provide opportunities for professional growth and development. This can include mentoring programs, challenging project assignments and providing them with a clear career progression path. In addition, creating a positive work environment and work-life balance also contributes to their retention.

    As Generation Z enters the job market, companies must adapt their communication and talent management strategy to attract and retain them.

    At Oxean, we are ready to help your company navigate this terrain and take advantage of its full potential.