Our commitment to internal communication goes beyond geographical boundaries. For several years, we have been dedicated to building a collaborative network that allows us to co-create solutions with clients throughout Latin America and the USA. Discover how we face each challenge and build effective and enriching internal communication at regional level.

Overcoming complexities

The complexity of the current era has many aspects that are reflected in the internal communication of the company. On the one hand, the challenges that artificial intelligence poses to internal communication, on the other hand, issues such as ESG criteria need to be incorporated into the daily language of organizations.

At Oxean, we are clear about the need for innovation but, at the same time, the understanding that is needed between client and agency. This last point is essential when projects are executed at a distance.

A path of proactivity

Being close does not have to do with the number of kilometers that separate us, but with the generation of trust. It is essential to be available, to provide answers in a timely manner and to be proactive in the search for solutions.

"We faced unique and exciting challenges for clients in Latin America. We drive dynamism, connection, the use of the most advanced tools together with great creativity for an important financial leader at a global and regional level. But above all, we built a strong bond with the client and mutual trust that empowers us and drives us to continue generating new projects",

says Ariel Herrera, Founder, Board Member & Executive VP of Grupo Oxean.

A way of being and doing

We are passionate about internal communication and we put that passion into every detail, every task, every responsibility and every relationship. In order to be able to provide answers at a regional level, it is necessary:

Dynamism and adaptability

Both are key to providing effective internal communications services. Each country has its own culture and particular context, which requires a customized approach for each client. Our agency understands this need and has specialized teams that master the particularities of each country and company we work with.

Connecting through common culture

Beyond national borders, the region shares a rich and varied culture that transcends them. We draw on this cultural connection to forge strong bonds with our clients. By understanding cultural similarities and peculiarities, we can create internal communication strategies that resonate with employees in each country and foster a sense of community across the region.

Sinergia con las Áreas de Aprendizaje

Innovative technological tools

Technological progress is a reality that cannot be ignored in the field of internal communication. We use innovative platforms and tools that facilitate collaboration and interaction between geographically dispersed teams. These tools allow communications to flow efficiently and transparently, ensuring message consistency across countries.

Trusting customer relationships

Working with regional clients involves establishing solid and trusting relationships. Our agency is not only seen as an external supplier, but as a strategic partner that is involved in our clients’ objectives and challenges. We value open and constant communication to understand their specific needs and adapt to their changing demands.

Sinergia entre Comunicación Interna y Áreas de Aprendizaje

Our commitment to innovation and continuous improvement allows us to face present and future challenges, ensuring that our clients achieve success in their internal communication objectives and the strengthening of their corporate culture.

We are always open and available to take on new regional challenges, contact us now!

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