Oxean In House can help you face the challenges of the future by being your partner for success in Staff Augmentation. Through this solution, we give you the flexibility to increase your work capacity without the need to hire full-time employees.

This translates into solving the problem of increasing the number of employees, lowering costs and leaving the search and selection of talent that will strengthen your company in our expert hands.

The future of work presents great challenges

Companies face unprecedented challenges today, including fierce competition for talent, burned-out employees and pressure to control costs.

Gartner’s latest report highlights the emerging trend of “silent hiring”, a new way to acquire the most sought-after talent. This comes against a backdrop where employees have opted for quiet quitting by striving only for the bare minimum in their jobs.

renuncia silenciosa

Innovation in the area of people

People experts, the report notes, began to turn this practice on its head with so-called “silent hiring” to acquire new skills and capabilities without adding new full-time employees. This is reflected in several ways:

  • A focus on internal talent mobility to ensure that employees address key priorities without resorting to changes in the workforce.
  • Opportunities for employees to expand their skills and capabilities.

In addition to this, there is a new trend that comes to solve the challenges posed at the beginning of this article, and that is Staff Augmentation (SA).

Anticipate Change with Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation is a solution used by companies to temporarily expand their internal team with external experts. This allows them to increase their work capacity without hiring full-time employees.

Staff Augmentation

When should Staff Augmentation be used?

Staff Augmentation is the right choice in a number of situations:

  • Specific or short-term projects.
  • When you need specialised skills that are not available internally.
  • Lack of internal resources to deal with sudden demand or peak workload.
  • For temporary needs for specific skills.
  • When flexibility is required in managing teams according to changing project or market needs.

Oxean in House: the top service of Staff Augmentation

Oxean in House is our Staff Augmentation solution that provides, through a highly flexible recruitment model, an end-to-end service that allows your company to outsource the process of recruitment, training and constant monitoring of external professionals.

On the other hand, Oxean in House solves the problem of increasing the headcount (number of employees).

"It is very common that within companies the process of approving vacancies for permanent roles, as well as increasing the headcount of your team, is a time-consuming and sometimes frustrating process",
explains Natalia Galucho, Chief People Officer, Oxean.

          And he adds that:

"Oxean In House represents a great solution to this, given that the formal hiring of the person you need for your team is 100% in charge of Oxean, being able to focus all the energy on accompanying the person who joins, to enhance their talent and skills, and achieve the objective of added value to the area that you were proposing."
oxean in house Staff Augmentation

Profiles that understand your business

Through Oxean in House we are experts in the search and selection of profiles that know what we know. That is to say, through this service we carry out the entire search and selection process of talents with knowledge, skills and competencies related to our expertise.

"We are a corporate communications agency, with experience in strategy, diagnostics, agile methodology, project management and learning processes. This makes us expert recruiters in the search, selection and hiring of profiles that know what we know",
says Natalia.

As a result, the selection process becomes much more effective and efficient.

OXEAN in House offers an effective solution for companies looking to solve the problem of increasing headcount and finding communication talent without the need to increase their headcount.

Contact us now and let's schedule a meeting!