Synchronous learning has brought about a significant change in the way organizations conduct training and development of their teams. In this article, we will explore how technology has facilitated and expanded its application, enabling Training and People to leverage its benefits and deliver a more interactive and collaborative learning experience.

Synchronous meetings: sharing knowledge and know-how

Training has always been a fundamental part of team development and organizational growth.

trabajos híbridos y remotos

With the evolution of technology, streaming systems and different applications, the areas of training and People began to take advantage of synchronous meetings in remote formats.
This made it possible to overcome geographical and time barriers, providing the opportunity to conduct learning sessions in real time for people located in different regions.

Flexible formats that adapt to individuals

The widespread use of videoconferencing, webinars, intranet and e-learning platforms has turned synchronous meetings into valuable tools for organizations. These formats offer an interactive and collaborative experience without costly travel, which encourages the active participation of employees.

The innovation of corporate learning

Although synchronous meetings are not new, their large-scale incorporation into training has been a disruptive innovation. It has transformed the way organizations deliver training, driving a more flexible and effective approach to corporate learning.

Information retention: the key to synchronous learning

One of the key advantages of remote formats with synchronous encounters is the significant increase in information retention. According to a study by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), the average retention rate of information conveyed in an online training session can range from 25% to 60%, which is a very significant return compared to other learning methods.

Remote, close and collaborative learning

According to McKinsey & Company’s post-COVID-19 experience, with careful design and implementation, distance training provided an effective “lifeline” for organizations that needed to adapt to entirely new ways of working.

At Oxean, we promote and implement this modality, which is much closer, more agile, provides feedback to the teams and generates a sense of belonging to the company.
Synchronous meetings provide the possibility of bringing new technologies and innovations closer to the teams so that they can take ownership of the new tools and translate them into concrete advances for the business".

highlights Diego Caggiano, Partner, Member of the Board and Chief Content Officer.

A tailor-made Webinar

For Natura, we have developed a webinar on the use of ChatGPT aimed at beauty consultants throughout the Hispanic region. In this case, we focused on the possibilities of daily use of this artificial intelligence tool to generate ideas and content for social networks and to plan posts and online campaigns.

The possibility of conducting webinars to disseminate specific topics allows to speed up the access to new concepts, in a friendly and close way for the audience. From Oxean, we generate the webinar content that the client needs and we carry out the meeting with our speakers specialized in the different topics.

Benefits of synchronous meetings in training

Remote formats with synchronous meetings, such as videoconferences and interactive webinars, offer numerous benefits for training and learning in companies:

1. Flexibility and adaptability

  • Access from anywhere and at any time, facilitating the participation of global teams.
  • Elimination of geographical barriers and time differences, allowing real-time interaction.

2. Generation of consultation and meeting spaces.

  • Direct interaction with experts and peers, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Creation of an enriching and dynamic learning environment.

3. Immediate feedback

  • Real-time evaluation of participants’ progress, facilitating content adjustments and instant resolution of doubts.
  • More effective monitoring of learning and understanding.

4. Cost reduction

  • Elimination of travel and accommodation expenses, which represents significant savings for the company.
  • Greater availability for teams distributed in different locations.

5. Encouragement of continuous learning

  • Availability of online content and regular scheduling of synchronous meetings, fostering a culture of constant learning.
  • Permanent updating of skills and knowledge.

6. Generation of community

  • Creation of a sense of belonging and community among participants.
  • Sharing the same experience in real time, strengthening collaboration.

7. Increased motivation

  • Interactive and real-time environment that motivates employees to participate and learn actively.
  • Stimulus for deeper and more meaningful learning.

Combining synchronous meetings with other online learning approaches allows companies to offer a comprehensive and enriching training experience for their employees. These formats have proven to be highly effective in developing talent and improving performance in today’s business environment.

At Oxean, we are committed to providing innovative and effective solutions. Implementing the benefits of synchronous meetings is one of them, so that your organization can enhance continuous learning and people's growth.

To learn more about our proposals and how we can help your organization achieve its development, productivity and growth goals

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