How do we generate the best internal communication? How do we keep the different areas informed? How do we align the institutional objectives with those of the teams? How do we involve each person in the organization with the goals to be achieved?

Let’s see which are the must-haves of internal communication to answer these questions and many more!

Thinking about people and the organization

Internal communication is an indispensable strategic element so that everybody in the organization can have a shared vision, work together to achieve conveyed objectives, and live the organizational culture in its best way.

Behind every good internal communication plan, there must be a lot of research, strategy, and organization. There are essential aspects that can never be missing.

Here are the must-haves
of Oxean's internal communication:

1- Diagnosis

It seems obvious, but many companies tend to minimize the importance of internal communication diagnosis. Under the belief that “it is clear what is happening, we already have the solution,” wrong or ineffective ideas are sustained.

The diagnosis allows obtaining an accurate picture of the situation, which in most cases reveals unexpected difficulties that allow thinking of effective initiatives because they focus on real opportunities.

Without a diagnosis, the objectives likely set out in the Internal Communication strategic plan are wrong and, therefore, will not be achieved. That is why it is the first must-have!

2- Strategy

Based on the diagnosis, we can start working on the strategy, which should establish S.M.A.R.T. (Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Relevant; Time based) goals and objectives.

Once established, the strategy needs to become a communication plan that contemplates initiatives, actions, and projects framed within a chronogram, naming people in charge and allocating resources.

This strategy will be our compass for the duration of the campaign or project. It will provide us with an order to follow, indicating if we are off course so that we can go back and correct as we go along.

3- Contents Quality

Today, we know that it is not easy to get people’s attention. Multiple channels and stimuli are constantly overlapping. Therefore, campaigns and activations must generate a sense of belonging and mobilize internal audiences.

When we refer to quality, we are not only proposing a good script or a content agenda planned and validated with the client but also that the contents are attractive, simple, direct, and presented in formats, languages, and channels according to our audiences.

It is always necessary to ask ourselves: what kind of content are they used to consume? Through which channels?

Campaigns, graphic and digital pieces, podcasts, virtual events, gamification, merchandising, videos, settings, and training content must nurture the culture and deliver strong messages with the power of enhancing transformation. 

4- Employee involvement

Delivering value is positive, but it is not enough. Today, more than ever, we must involve the people who are part of our organization.

We can evaluate in what way and in what instance. And this will depend on the company’s seniority in terms of internal communication.

From including the teams in the decision-making process of the next period’s strategy, all the way to welcome them in activations, events, and even the digital planning.

An effective internal communication process is a conversation in which the organization consults its employees about their vision, takes their suggestions into account, among constructive criticism, and then shows them how it’s all applied.

And, let’s remember that people are the most important aspect of our organization. Let us actively listen to their needs and let them become the protagonists of internal communication actions.

5- An in-house area specialized in IC

If your company does not have an area focused exclusively on Internal Communication, it is time to ask yourself: What is the place and importance we are giving to IC? Do we consider IC as a strategic area within the organization?

The usual answer is that we cannot expand the team or the structure does not allow it.

However, the good news is that at Oxean, we put together teams to accompany your organization in the strategy design, development, and implementation, creating an in-house area specialized in IC.

We work closely with you, taking care of all the needs that may arise, keeping a strategic view and a cross vision.

6- Team Expansion Through Implants

When faced with a work volume increase in the internal communication area or a specific project that requires professionals with certain skills, incorporating implants can be a very effective solution.

An implant is a qualified and expert person who is incorporated into a specific area, temporarily to meet a strategic objective.

At Oxean, we provide the service of selection, training, and monitoring of the right person for the needs of the internal communication area of your organization.

7- Metrics

You can’t evaluate what you don’t measure. How will we know if we achieved our objectives? How do we establish that our message has penetrated our employees? The only way is to measure.

Thanks to Digital Intelligence, we can measure each implemented action. Data analysis becomes the main ally. Thus, in each internal communication project, we can measure the impact and contrast KPIs with the objectives set in a spiral that feeds back.

8- Constant training in internal communication.

Changes are happening at the speed of light. The B.A.N.I. context in which we are immersed requires flexibility, a broad, open, and contemplative outlook, and quick yet precise action.

In this brittle, anxious, non-linear, and incomprehensible environment, companies must continue their operations, businesses must continue to grow, and the people who make up the teams must continue to give their best.

For this, it is essential to be in constant training, aware of the latest trends, and resort to innovative resources that can provide answers to new and unprecedented situations.

At Oxean, we offer solutions for these needs, from a workshop on difficult conversations given by a specialist executive coach to training in agility applied to internal communication.

9- Customer-IC agency interaction

Everyone’s commitment is essential. At Oxean, we get fully involved in every project because we believe that interaction between agency and client is another must.

We form a team, work together, propose, plan, develop, measure, evaluate and improve; in a constant back and forth.

Our agency is not a project delivery. We are communication creators committed to each client’s corporate culture.

10- Cross vision

We leave for last what identifies us as an agency and drives our identity: the cross vision. Since our beginnings, we have conceived of Internal Communication as a cross-cutting strategic element that is essential at all levels of the organization.

In addition, cross vision means maintaining coherence between what the organization promotes to the external public and the organizational culture. Hence, always keeping a consonant attitude between external and internal communication is central. What the company reflects outwardly is also experienced inwardly as an inseparable part of its culture.

We love to think outside the box. We always want to find new answers for that great infallible that helps organizations achieve their full potential: purposeful Internal Communication.

Do you have questions?

Count on us to manage and implement
your internal and institutional communication.