In this article we tell you what leadership in communication is all about. From its impact on the business to its influence on teams and organizational culture, it will allow us to understand why effective communication is the key to leadership.

Business Impact

If we told you that a leader who communicates ineffectively could break the sustainability of the business, would you believe it?
Grammarly’s latest study with The Harry Poll proves it: about one in five business leaders say they have lost business due to poor communication. On the other hand, twice as many business leaders (43%) say they have won new business because of effective communication.

When we talk about the impact the business can have, leaders understand that

Effective communication can no longer be considered an isolated action, but a strategic vision that cuts across the entire organization.

Impact on teams

At Oxean, as an agency specialized in internal communication, we believe that knowing how to communicate is an inseparable skill from leadership. That is to say, there is no leader without assertive communication. But we also know that this implies a permanent challenge.

Comunicación efectiva clave para el liderazgo

In this regard, Diego Caggiano, Board Member & Head of Content at Oxean Group explains that

"We are noticing an increasing awareness in organizations of the strategic importance of effective communication and how it impacts leadership. Clients tell us that leaders are encountering concrete limitations in their day-to-day work because they are not developing communication skills".

And he adds that

"Many of the problems in team dynamics have to do with that. We are seeing an increase in requests for learning programs, coaching and internal communication campaigns to promote the different aspects of such a broad topic. It is always essential to focus on each particular case and the culture of the organization we are working with. We, as an internal communication agency, always encourage the interaction between communication actions and coaching or learning programs".

Impact on organizational culture

"It has been proven that communication skills are a non-negotiable competency for an effective leader. The professionals who today play roles in top and middle management embody key pillars to leverage more effective and successful business strategies, and taking these skills for granted is part of a style that is already a thing of the past. These leaders also represent today the main "communication channel" for the organizations in which they work: they are cross brand spokespersons and rewrite culture",
says Luciana Orecchio, Strategic Consultant of Oxean.

Active listening, empathy, understanding of the context, the strategic value of communicating correctly in corporate environments, the strategic interaction between internal communication and training/learning make up the check list of a leader committed to his team, to the culture of the organization and to the sustainability of the business.

feedback motor del talento.liderazgo
"When we work with leaders in their re-skilling from communication, we observe the transformative impact of these changes, even for their lives. It is a training that we can address both in skill development spaces specifically, as well as in some accompaniment services in our consultancies",
concludes Luciana.

What makes a leader who communicates assertively?

  • Clarity of objectives and expectations: A leader who communicates effectively can clearly convey the team’s objectives, as well as performance expectations, the roles of each member and practices active listening. This helps align the entire team toward a common purpose and avoid confusion or misunderstandings.
  • Motivation and commitment: can inspire and motivate team members. Communicates transparently, authentically and persuasively and can foster a sense of shared purpose, increase employee morale and commitment to team and organizational goals.
  • Conflict resolution: Conflict is inevitable in any team, but effective communication can help resolve it quickly and constructively. A leader who possesses communication skills can facilitate open discussion and mutual understanding among team members, which reduces conflict escalation and promotes a harmonious work environment.
  • Feedback and development: Feedback is essential for the growth and development of the people who make up the team. A leader who provides clear, specific and constructive feedback can help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, allowing them to grow professionally and contribute more effectively to the team.
  • Transparency and trust: Effective communication involves being transparent and honest with team members. A leader who shares relevant information in an open and timely manner fosters trust and mutual respect within the team. This also helps build an organizational culture based on transparency and integrity.
Comunicación efectiva

When effective communication is fostered in the leaders of a company, the change is immediate and tangible in productivity, sustainability and organizational culture.

Let's schedule a meeting today to boost effective communication in your organization together!