We are responsible for our actions. And so, we are equally responsible for the communication of our actions.

This is why Oxean is committed to sustainable communication and supports clients in designing an ethical and transparent communication strategy.

A conversation that can't wait

In a few days (October 31 to November 12), leaders worldwide will gather in Glasgow for the United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP26), organized by the United Kingdom in collaboration with Italy.

One of the topics to be discussed will surely be how global climate catastrophes are increasingly interconnected, as a recent United Nations report on climate change has revealed.

Some of the findings of that study reveal that during “2020/2021, the world witnessed a series of record-breaking catastrophes: the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the globe, a cold snap paralyzed the state of Texas, wildfires destroyed nearly 5 million acres of Amazon rainforest, and Vietnam experienced nine severe storms in just seven weeks.” Of course, as a caveat in each of these reports, the responsibility of individuals, companies, organizations, and governments appears.

Acting to change history

There is no business without sustainability, without responsibility for environmental, social, and economic impact. The signatory companies of the Global Compact know this and have committed themselves to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

In Oxean Cross, we are also committed to sustainability. We have promoted awareness of environmental issues, shared knowledge, and invited our team to measure their own footprint, reflecting upon changing consumption habits.

Companies of all sectors and sizes are implementing actions to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Epical, a belonging company of the Oxean Group ecosystem, is contributing by planting 200 trees..

We know that the effort, although sustained over time, does not usually have an immediate correlation to positive changes. But at the same time, we are convinced that this is the only direction that will allow us to minimize the damage and change history for the future and the next generations. 

"As companies, we have the responsibility to link economic recovery with another way of doing business, to move towards a greener economy that leaves no one behind,"

says Marcela Ospina, partner and co-founder of Wise Work, and sustainability consultant.

Keys to communicating sustainability

At Oxean, we are committed to supporting our clients in the reliable communication of their sustainability actions. We contribute to their teams in the triple-impact communication strategy by carefully addressing certain aspects:

  1. Rigorousness in the information to be disseminated, ensuring accurate and authentic data of positive impact.
  2. A theoretical framework backed by international organizations that frame the distributed information.
  3. Curation of contents to communicate in an ethical and transparent manner.
  4. Commitment to the truth: providing reliable information on the impact of the actions that our clients implement.

"Worldwide, there is a growing preference for brands that have really taken steps towards sustainability, that measure their impact on society and the environment, and that also know how to communicate their progress and improvement plans with honesty,"

says Marcela Ospina.

Triple Impact: another way of thinking

Triple impact companies have a business model that emphasizes social, economic, and environmental impact. A clear example of this model is Pro Mujer, a social enterprise pioneer in gender-focused investment in Latin America. Oxean and Wise Work have worked with its communications team to strengthen its brand positioning and influence through content on women’s leadership and economic empowerment.

Our role is to accompany organizations to rethink communications with the transparency of considering the socio-environmental and economic impact of the different actions. Sustainability is not a trend; it is a way of managing organizations in a transversal way. Ethical and responsible communication is key to reputation, positioning, and employer branding. Otherwise, it is nothing more than the well-known "green/pink/rainbow - washing,"

explains Sabrina Rodriguez, Consultant specialized in Sustainability, Organizational Change, and B Corporations.

Spreading a pioneering decision

Along with Arcos Dorados, we work in the construction of the messages that promote their sustainable actions.

A few days ago, the company signed an agreement with Pampa Energía to begin the transition of its energy matrix towards Renewable Energies. These are those extracted from resources capable of total renovation, such as the sun, wind, water or vegetable, or animal biomass, and are characterized by not using fossil fuels -as is the case with conventional energies.

Arcos Dorados is the first company in the Argentine Sector that begins the transition of its energy matrix, seeking to mitigate its carbon footprint while complying with Law 27.791 of Renewable Energies in advance.

We strategically designed this action's internal and external communication, which represents a milestone within the company's sustainability strategy, under its axis of action on climate change.

Is your organization on the path to sustainability?

Together we can help you communicate this in an ethical and responsible way. Contact us now

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