COAM, an oil services company, approached Oxean seeking to improve its communications. However, after some meetings between their Human Resources team and our consultants, they decided to embark on an ambitious project of cultural and leadership strengthening.,embarcarse en un ambicioso proyecto de fortalecimiento cultural y de liderazgo.

The company, based in Río Gallegos with offices in the City of Buenos Aires, was looking for an ally to accompany them in strengthening their organizational culture and in the implementation of a new way of communicating internally, which would actively involve the collaborators in the fulfillment of their business objectives.

Thanks to the drive and strong conviction of the Human Resources department, in October 2020 we carried out an internal communication diagnosis in which all managers and operators participated. With these results, Oxean proposed a strategic communication plan to work across the entire organization, based on three main pillars: internal communication, culture and leadership.

Communication, an essential part of leadership

Good leaders are skilled communicators, and internal communication is a strategic ally to build a solid organizational culture, aligned with the business objectives. From this premise we started when we began to work together with COAM in a process of cultural, communicational and leadership strengthening in general.

"Accompanying them to rethink their roles and objectives as a team for decision-making, and consolidate their strategic vision of the business, were some of our objectives," says Laura Anapolsky, Oxean's strategic consultant.

During February 2021, the entire management team participated in a workshop that we organized, facilitated by Verónica Argañaraz, specialist in Agile Coach and Trainer. The event, which lasted three half days, was aimed at the joint consolidation of its strategic vision, to strengthen its communication and leadership skills, and to the integration of some guidelines of agile methodologies for decision-making.

The next scheduled stage consists of the implementation of training so that managers can enhance their communication and leadership skills.

“In this process of growth and transformation of our client, we seek that each employee takes an active role and that they feel part of the change. This is our North, towards which we are moving forward with great confidence and enthusiasm”, sums up Laura..

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(+54 11) 5365-7646