The implementation of virtual campuses with customized e-learning content offers companies the opportunity to strengthen their organizational culture by optimizing development, learning and communication programs.

Connected to knowledge

The impact of new organizational models and technology is more than recognized within companies. We can mention, for example, the flexibility of teleworking, shorter working hours, the agility of collaborative platforms and, of course, the new learning and training modalities.

One-off trainings, courses with synchronous and asynchronous meetings or webinars are part of everyday life in all types of organizations.

trabajos híbridos y remotos

With this in mind, centralizing online training from an in-house learning platform, customized and tailored to the company’s e-learning needs, can provide great strategic value. That is what the company’s own virtual campus is all about.

Business impact

Developing a virtual campus means investing and generating greater attraction and retention of talent, improving the company’s employer branding. According to the Human Resources Trends Study 2023, developed by Sodexo Benefits and Incentives, the

53% of organizations choose to train their employees rather than look outside for talent.

Why develop a virtual campus of your own?

Creating an effective virtual campus involves building an inspiring and motivating space that connects teams, fosters collaboration and promotes continuous learning.

aprendizaje y comunicación

This requires not only the creation or adoption of an appropriate digital platform, but also the integration of tools that facilitate internal communication and team collaboration, thus creating an environment conducive to the growth and professional development of the entire organization.

Synergy between internal communication and learning areas

The synergy between the virtual campus, internal communication strategies and learning areas is essential to enhance the growth of employees and, consequently, that of the company.

Internal communication ensures that employees are informed and motivated to participate in learning programs, while learning areas work closely with internal communication to identify training needs and design appropriate programs.

Sinergia entre Comunicación Interna y Áreas de Aprendizaje

This collaboration facilitates collaborative learning and allows for effective monitoring and evaluation of the progress of programs and courses.

Benefits for teams and the business

While some of the advantages have already been mentioned, a well-developed and connected virtual campus offers a number of benefits for both teams and the business as a whole.

Some of these include:

  • Cohesion and collaboration: facilitates interaction between employees from different areas and levels, fostering collaboration and the exchange of ideas.
  • Continuous learning: provides access to e-learning educational resources and training programs that drive professional development and the acquisition of new skills.
  • Well-being and motivation: a positive and stimulating work environment contributes to the emotional well-being and motivation of employees, increasing their engagement and job satisfaction.
  • Operational efficiency: the integration of digital tools and efficient processes improves productivity and efficiency in daily operations.
  • Innovation and creativity: stimulates innovation by providing spaces that inspire creativity and experimentation, thus driving the generation of innovative ideas and solutions.

Designing quality content

The development of courses, training or webinars within the virtual campus requires content that responds to the operation of this platform.

Aprendizaje y comunicación

Virtual Campus: improving Learning and Communication

That is to say, attractive contents must be generated according to the needs of the training, to attract the public, taking into account that they must harmonize with the day-to-day demands.

Creativity and attractive formats in a webinar can make the experience more interesting and captivating for the participants.

Resources to attract and communicate

Algunos formatos y recursos posibles son:


create interactive infographics that present information in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand way.


incorporate short videos with relevant content, inspiring stories, practical demonstrations or testimonials to keep participants’ attention.


introduce games or activities, such as quick quizzes with symbolic prizes, fun surveys or challenges related to the content.


use visual storytelling through images, graphics and diagrams that tell a story or convey information in a narrative and emotionally engaging way.

By incorporating different formats in a creative and relevant way in online courses, it is possible to capture the attention of participants. Thus, the experience will be more memorable and effective, giving value to each e-learning content within the virtual campus.

At Oxean we are specialists in the generation of communication and learning content.