Corporate volunteering is a powerful tool for communicating companies’ commitment to social and environmental well-being. We will see how internal communication plays a crucial role in the promotion and success of these programs.

Origins of corporate volunteering

In the 1990s, companies moved from philanthropic practices to a more comprehensive approach to their social and environmental impact. This shift led to the emergence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Within this context, corporate volunteering stood out as a key initiative to involve employees in activities that contribute to community and environmental well-being.

What began as isolated actions became structured volunteer programs with significant strategic value.

Numbers that show the commitment

The latest survey conducted by Voluntare (2015-2020), highlighted a real boom where more than half of the companies (51.6%) decided to start implementing a volunteering program within their organizations.

(Fuente: Voluntare, Estudio del Voluntariado Corporativo en las Empresas)

The Voluntare study affirms that corporate volunteering has been incorporated as one more piece in the business strategy:

"82.6% of the companies reflected in the results allocate an economic budget exclusively to their VC programs, with figures exceeding 200,000 euros per year."

Two variables run through any VC program: personal commitment and, obviously as it is called, voluntary; and the dedication of hours both inside and outside working hours.

An investment with the community in mind

Companies also noted the return on investment that results in improved corporate image and employer branding.

Demonstrating commitment to society and the environment translates into positive reputation building, especially in a context where consumers and employees increasingly value the social and environmental commitment of brands.

compromiso voluntariado

Communication for transformation

Although the success of a corporate volunteer program depends on the collaboration of various areas within the organization, internal communication plays a crucial role in its sustainability and growth by promoting employee participation and engagement.


Publicizing corporate volunteering activities is key:

  • Promotes employee engagement: it is key to highlight the importance of employee engagement and how the corporate volunteering program works to increase and enhance it. By participating in activities aligned with their values, employees feel more connected to the company and motivated in their daily work.
  • Develop skills: another benefit of corporate volunteering is the development of soft skills. From leadership, teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills to specific competencies related to the type of volunteering activity, such as construction, growing plants, providing training/advice, etc. These skills are an opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  • Retains talent: feeling part of a company with a much deeper purpose can increase loyalty, commitment and motivation of employees, making them the brand ambassadors themselves. This results in a clear reduction of employee turnover.
  • Increases the well-being of the community and the environment: corporate volunteering seeks to carry out initiatives that can contribute to improving people’s quality of life as well as protecting the planet. From projects that provide access to education and health, to environmental conservation activities and cleaning up natural areas, corporate volunteering becomes the engine of positive change, establishing deep and meaningful ties in the community in which it operates.
compromiso y transformación

Corporate Volunteering communicating commitment

The role of corporate volunteering in the SDGs

The United Nations recognizes corporate volunteering as a key player in meeting the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda. This means acting on a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives of all people around the world.

Corporate volunteering

According to Voluntare’s figures, almost 70% of the organizations are already part of this large community seeking the fulfillment of 1 or more UN goals.

Undoubtedly, your ESG criteria will be the pillars for thinking strategically about which objectives to advance within the corporate volunteering program.

If your company is considering starting a corporate volunteer program or having an internal communication plan to promote it, contact our team and let's start planning it.

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