Although it is an almost pioneer communication tool if we talk about internal digital channels, today, it is more valid than ever. Hand in hand with the new systems of measurement and analysis of information, it took such a dimension and momentum that it is now part of organizations' main internal communication strategies.
With you the Internal Newsletter.
Innovation to reach much further
Digital transformation has also reached newsletters. Advances in digital design, the layout of contents, the possibility of interaction, and the precision in impact measurement contributed to transforming them into a tool that is difficult to match in Internal Communication.
In hybrid schemes, the internal newsletter is a great instrument to inform, provide data, share achievements and accomplishments, and communicate campaigns to all the people within the organization or even from specific areas to their work teams.
In addition, it allows the creation of sections according to each topic to be dealt with, or even central areas within the company can create their own newsletter to reach the internal public.
Communicating with simplicity, proximity, and precision
There are several advantages of incorporating a newsletter into your company:
- Being a digital edition, it presents low production and dissemination costs.
- You will be able to know in real-time how each mailing has performed through Digital & Data Intelligence tools, obtaining a precise measurement of the impact.
- It offers the possibility of bilateral communication by generating a quick and direct response.
- Production times are usually short.
- It allows the organizational culture to penetrate each of the collaborators.
- It brings leaders closer to their teams through editorials, management messages, or even showing their more human and everyday side.
- It allows the involvement of collaborators in the preparation of the information they wish to communicate in the different areas or by being the protagonists of interviews that tell their story.
Tailor-made content
The internal news should have a structure and sections. Although the idea is to respect this structure, over time, it may vary depending on what people expect, according to the evaluation of impact measurement to improve the scope.
Some sections may range from a CEO’s message, area management information, the scope of business objectives, and unique campaigns to employees’ life stories.
This structure should be tailored to the organization, considering major relevant aspects such as the organizational culture, the profile of the people who compose it, and even their interests or the way they consume the content.
We suggest including short notes, pleasant to read, dynamic, short interviews, graphics, and illustrative images.
Un concepto multiformato
At Oxean, we think of each internal newsletter from a multi-format point of view. Notes can be linked to videos and, in many cases, the newsletter is one of the main channels for the diffusion of audiovisual content in organizations.
On the other hand, newsletters are part of internal communication campaigns , playing a central role in the strategy, even becoming the launching channel for actions of great relevance for the internal public.
Always on time
Just as we establish your structure, we must estimate the periodicity of delivery. Moreover, if the content is valuable, people, knowing the delivery days, will be waiting for it.ººººº
Suppose there is more than one internal newsletter. In that case, it will also be essential to take into account, on the one hand, the periodicity of each delivery and the synchronization so that the newsletters do not overlap, and on the other hand, not to saturate the internal audience and maintain a harmonious dynamic between them.
The internal newsletter is ideal for corporations with some or all of these characteristics:
- A large number of collaborators.
- Several areas within the company.
- Geographic dispersion.
- Organizations that are present in several countries.